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Manage Calculation Tickets

Changing the state of a ticket

Interacting with the API

The actions that can be triggered by the user and that change the ticket state can be requested to the API by using the following endpoint:

PUT /o-{organisation_id}/tickets/{ticket_id}/state/{action}/

The variable action in the URL can take one of the following values:

  • close
  • reopen
  • queue
  • cancel
  • stop

Note that the action you request must be valid on the ticket's current state. For instance, you cannot close a ticket that is currently queued. Check the page about tickets to learn more about ticket states.

Using the Website


The documentation for this section has not been completed yet.

Prioritize Tickets in the Queue

Interacting with the API

The queue contains tickets in two states: queued and scheduled. The only difference between the two states is that queued tickets can be moved around in the queue (you can increase or decrease their priority). On a regular basis, Echo changes the tickets' status from queued to scheduled. After this point, their position on the queue is locked, and you cannot change their priority anymore.

The ticket order in the queue determines the order in which Echo executes them. The ticket in first place on the queue is the one executed as soon as there is availability in the system. Usually, this means that, once a ticket has finished running, Echo picks up the next one on the queue and starts executing it.

For tickets that are queued, you can change their order on the queue by using the following endpoint:

PUT /o-{organisation_id}/tickets/{ticket_id}/order/{order_number}/

The variable order_number is an integer number that states what should be the new position of the ticket on the queue. If you try to move a queued ticket in front of a scheduled ticket, that will not be allowed because the order of scheduled tickets is locked.

Using the Website


The documentation for this section has not been completed yet.